O ne of the more significant developments in sports has been the influx of sports management/marketing/business programs on college campuses, and the sophistication of sports education. There are at least 400 undergraduate programs offering some form of sports business education, and around 250 graduate programs, and the result has been young people being better prepared to work in the industry.
The top-ranked business schools are still key pipelines of talent, and there are concerns of too many students from specialized sports business programs chasing too few jobs. But the bottom line is young people are far more knowledgeable about the business issues facing the sports industry than ever before. The success of these graduates also can be attributed to the academic leaders who have shaped an entire generation of executives, developing and mentoring these young people while also advancing the visibility and viability of sports business on campus.
The contributions these educators have made to sports are often overlooked. So, SBJ has launched Honor Roll, an annual program recognizing the best in sports business academia and teaching. Our goal is to celebrate the individuals and trailblazers who pioneered sports business as a collegiate program and specialty.
This fall, SBJ will launch Honor Roll with a special tribute to three leading pioneers of sports business on campus:
Charles “Doc” Higgins: Higgins was hired at Ohio University to initiate a recreation studies major and quickly became involved with the sports administration program. Higgins is known as “The Architect” because he took over Ohio’s sports administration program that was launched in 1966 by Dr. James Mason , who was inspired by the vision of longtime Dodgers owner Walter O’Malley . Seeing what Mason started, Higgins methodically propelled Ohio University so far out in front when it came to sports education that it took other institutions decades to catch up. Higgins took Mason’s idea and made it the preeminent national program, and along the way turned it into a program that other schools aspired to emulate.
Lisa Pike Masteralexis: An industry leader at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst Mark H. McCormack Department of Sport Management, Masteralexis served as department head for 17 years. While UMass-Amherst has always been known for its outstanding sports management program, Masteralexis showed her adroit ability to take a program and make it far more cohesive and user-friendly. She was able to bring faculty and students closer together and helped make UMass-Amherst the place to be. With such strong relationships around campus, she was able to move the sports management program into the business school, a significant step forward for the program’s credibility. In addition, Masteralexis’ skill at relationship-building was evident when she brought the Mark McCormark archives to UMass-Amherst, where they sit today, even though the late founder of IMG had no connection to the school.
Bill Sutton: A well-known academic leader, Sutton served at Robert Morris University, Ohio State University, the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, the University of Central Florida, the University of South Florida and most recently, the University of South Carolina. Sutton was an early leader in pushing for the academic insititutions to have greater credibility throughout the sports industry. He worked tirelessly to stress to sports leaders and organizations the quality and caliber of the sports management programs and the students graduating from them. He focused on giving students real-world experience by working industry events and linking his programs to sports teams and organizations in the markets he taught. Sutton helped the sports industry recognize that these students were valuable assets. He also has been a regular contributor to Sports Business Journal for years.
These three have worked diligently, often in the background, to counsel and advise students, and this recognition by SBJ will be a fitting tribute to their exemplary careers. We hope that you consider showing your appreciation for them. Without the efforts of these educators, the sports industry wouldn’t have nearly the caliber of talent or leadership it’s fortunate to have today.
We will profile their careers this fall. If you have any questions about the Honor Roll program, or ideas for future recipients, please let me know.
Abraham Madkour can be reached at amadkour@sportsbusinessjournal.com.