"A Day in the Life" is a feature in SBD examining the daily habits of interesting personalities in sports business. This week, Trail Blazers CMO DEWAYNE HANKINS tells us how he clears his head in the morning and what he's ordering for lunch.
6:00am : I’m up and make a morning smoothie and then, this time of year, head to Forest Park for a run on the trail. If not that, there are some really punishing stairs at Portland State University. I try to do that once a week for personal torture, but usually its Forest Park, my peaceful place. Then I’m off to work. In the mornings to get me ready, I’m listening to mostly punk rock music. On the days I’m not running, I try to let my wife, GLORIA , get a few more moments of sleep and get our boys -- HUDSON , 6 and GRADY , 4 -- ready by getting them dressed for school and making them breakfast.
8:00am : I get into the office. I’m not admittedly a morning person, so after my run and showering up I try to keep my calendar pretty clear. It helps me catch up on all the articles I saved in my Pocket app. I try to put out any fires that might have come up since leaving the day before.
10:30am : My meetings usually start for the day, things start to get a little crazier. I do weekly one-on-ones with all my staff, just to make sure they’re getting everything they need from me, making sure I’m getting everything I need from them. We have a weekly ticket and marketing meeting to talk about achieving our revenue goals for the year.
12:00pm : If I don’t have a lunch meeting, I have a real bad habit of ordering Postmates. It saves me a ton of time for lunch and Portland has some really amazing food options, so I rotate among some of my favorites -- Kung Pow!, Thai Peacock and Luc Lac.
1:00pm : The afternoon is full of activities, especially on gamedays. There are scheduled meetings, whether it’s with our digital team, our resales team, our marketing team, our game ops team. There are so many elements that we try to put in place, especially with big games like we had this year with the playoffs. We’re constantly testing, we’re monitoring, we’re making sure shirts are on the seats for the fans, we’re sound-checking videos.
5:00pm : Blazers President CHRIS MCGOWAN and I have a pretty good ritual on gamedays of typically grabbing drinks and dinner in the President’s Suite to talk through where things are from a business standpoint. If it’s not Blazers topics, then we update each other on all the other things that we work on for Blazers Owner PAUL ALLEN , which include Upstream Music Fest in Seattle, the Seattle Art Fair, there’s three museums in Seattle that we help out with, and The Hospital Club, a private club based in London which is expanding to L.A. this fall.
6:00pm : I usually try to visit with local media. I’m friends with a lot of the writers and a lot of the broadcast talent down there, so I try to catch up with them, visit with our PR staff as well. I love to always catch up with our broadcast team of KEVIN CALABRO , LAMAR HURD and BROOKE OLZENDAM . On some other nights I’ll head to our Club Sphere to catch up with corporate partners and introduce myself to prospective partners.
7:00pm : I always make it a case to take in our game intros. After that I like to be sort of six places at once. I’ll head into our TV production truck to listen in behind the scenes. Our producer, DAN HYATT , is fun to watch because he’s spinning about 10 plates at once. I’ll visit with our game entertainment director TODD BOSMA . When you’re on headset with him he’s very sharp witted and very comedic so it’s very interesting to listen in. I try to walk the concourse every game, visit our retail locations, see how traffic flow is.
10:00pm : I head home and catch up on our day with my wife. I have a fine Oregon stout and she’s drinking pinot grigio and from there I’ll sneak into the boys’ room to re-tuck them in and steal a hug. I’m usually not quite ready to go to bed yet so I’ll either read whatever book I’m currently into, which is usually sci-fi then a whole range of non-fictions interests. If not that, I’ll sneak in some PS4 time. I’ve been a big gamer since I was young and can’t seem to kick the habit.
12:00am : I try to get to bed by midnight and somehow, I’m able to function on six hours of sleep.
Know someone who should be featured in "A Day in the Life"? Shoot us an email at jcarpenter@sportsbusinessdaily.com .