MLB Lockout, Day 91: Owners' behavior deserves blame for current situation

MLB's "disastrous outcome is upon us," but it is not a shocking development considering “all of the acrimony displayed by the players the past few years" against the owners,” according to Ken Davidoff of the N.Y. POST (3/2). In San Jose, Dieter Kurtenbach writes there is "no sugarcoating” that the loss of regular-season games for the first time in 27 years is bad. However, what is "even worse than that is that the owners don’t seem to believe in the future of the sport of baseball." That is "far more unconscionable than the 2022 season starting late" (San Jose MERCURY NEWS, 3/2). In Denver, Sean Keeler writes what MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred keeps "making more obvious than ever is how the people who own this game don’t love it." They "love the profits from it, sure." It is the "toy in the portfolio," or a "way to keep your kids in the family biz." But even the "progressive steps are made with cash in mind" (DENVER POST, 3/2).

POINT FINGERS AT OWNERS: In S.F., Ann Killion writes the lack of a new CBA lies “on the owners," who "instituted a self-described 'defensive lockout' Dec. 2, then waited six weeks to present an offer." They then still "failed to address the real issue: They’re making more and more money while players are getting less." All but the "most naive know exactly where the blame lies." Manfred and the 30 owners have "hurt the game, won’t open their books, lie about their wealth and treat us like we’re so stupid that we actually believe Manfred when he says owning a baseball team is basically less profitable than investing in your Fidelity Total Market Index Fund" (S.F. CHRONICLE, 3/2).'s Stephanie Apstein wrote, "This is petty. It’s shortsighted. It‘s insulting. In other words, it‘s Major League Baseball owners doing what they do best: missing the point." MLB is a "treasure for its fans" and a "job for its players." But it is a "bargaining chip for the out-of-touch billionaires who run it" (, 3/1).

NO NEED TO GO THIS ROUTE: In Toronto, Mike Wilner writes "none of this was necessary." With a new TV deal "pumping tens of millions of fresh dollars into the coffers of each team, yet another new broadcast deal with Apple on the horizon and buckets of money to be made in newly legal gambling partnerships," the owners could "easily give the players they larger slice of the pie they have earned without ever feeling the loss" (TORONTO STAR, 3/2).'s Emma Baccellieri wrote this is the "path MLB chose." The league made it sound as if it "had no choice in the matter." But it has "made plenty of choices throughout this process -- and it’s those same choices that have led it here." As Manfred looks at a "game locked out, players furious, fans disappointed or heartbroken or, worst of all, finally turning apathetic" -- this is the "institution he leads, and this is the environment it is in" (, 3/1).

MANFRED NOT HELPING MATTERS: In Atlanta, Michael Cunningham writes Manfred has "taken up the traditional role of crying poor on behalf of billionaires." Before the current round of negotiations began, Manfred tried to "make the case that baseball’s franchise owners would be better off putting their money in a 401(k) account." One "can’t blame franchise owners for wanting to maintain that status quo." But Manfred’s rhetoric "probably isn’t helping their cause." It is "better for negotiations if he’s not antagonizing players with easily debunked claims about baseball’s finances." Fans "just want to see baseball," but Manfred’s statements are "so preposterous that even some of them must be catching on to his bad faith act" (ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION, 3/2).

TOTAL VICTORY WINNING HURTS THE GAME: In Boston, Christopher Gasper writes another victory for Manfred and the owners "will be a loss for baseball." Gasper: "Do they want total victory or do they want baseball? They can’t have both." The MLBPA "can’t afford to capitulate in the manner it did" in '16. That is "why it's really the owners and Manfred who have the proverbial bat in their hands." Gasper: "The choice is do they try to do damage to the union and the sport for their benefit or do they try to do damage to the labor deadlock?" (BOSTON GLOBE, 3/2).

WHAT ABOUT THE FANS? In Detroit, Jeff Seidel writes MLB just "turned its back on its fans," who now have "every reason to come to the conclusion: MLB doesn’t care about you." It is "disgusting and depressing, how they mess with you." All MLB "cares about is money." The players and owners have "argued over all kinds of issues," but "when you boil it all down, they are fighting over money." Seidel: "You know what you don’t hear in all these negotiations: What would be best for the fans? How can we grow this game? How can we make it better?" (DETROIT FREE PRESS, 3/2). THE ATHLETIC's Ken Rosenthal writes, "How dare commissioner Rob Manfred and the baseball owners treat their players and their fans like this. Don’t they recognize the impact of canceling games, the damage it will do to the sport, the idea that baseball is more than simply an industry, bigger than anyone lucky enough to be a part of it?" (, 3/2).

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