Golden Thread Technology Uses DNA to Predict Your Sports Injury Risk, Then Coaches You Up to Prevent It
The journey to athletic health, according to Golden Thread Technology, starts with an actual swab of an athlete's DNA. Golden Thread Technology (all photos)
Our Startups series looks at companies and founders who are innovating in the fields of athlete performance, fan engagement, team/league operations and other high-impact areas in sports. If you’d like to be considered for this series, tell us about your mission.
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World’s shortest elevator pitch: “We give athletes the tools and insights to lower their injury risks.”
Company: Golden Thread Technology, Inc.
Location: Gaithersburg, Maryland
Year founded: 2017
Website/App: Funding round to date:“Right now, it’s self-funded, and we’re working to get seed money and early money.”
Who are your investors? “Right now, we don’t have any outside investors. Our early target raise is $2 million.”
Are you looking for more investment? “Yes, we are.”
Tell us about yourself, founder Fredric Abramson : “My background is a combination of computer software, human genetics, the consumer business world and retail and higher education teaching. I have a PhD in human genetics from the University of Michigan, where I also wrote computer programs in big data and artificial intelligence. Before I was at Michigan, I worked in the record industry, producing records and putting on rock and roll shows and retail sales. I have 25 years of teaching at Johns Hopkins, in their Masters of Biotechnology program. I teach classes in economics, finance, enterprise creation, ethical issues and biotechnology. About four years ago, some Hopkins students came to me and said, ‘We understand you’re a geneticist and thinking of using genetics in a positive way. We want to work with you because we've all been athletes, and we've been hurt and want to focus on the genetics of injury risk.’ They spent a year on their own time, on weekends and so on, identifying genetic markers and building the insight that led to Golden Thread.”
Who are your co-founders/partners? “Deborah Mannia, an attorney out of California. She's been involved in technology law and is our Chief Legal and Regulatory Affairs person. She's been involved in the business and tech world for almost three decades, including the International Trade Association. Bindiya Moorjani, our VP of Technology and Science. She has a PhD in biomedicine, did work at Mount Sinai, Hopkins and some other work at NIH. John Yaworsky, he’s our team leader in Media Development. John has over 25 years in film production, content and digital marketing. Anitha Moorthy, she’s our Program Development head. She’s got a background in infectious disease epidemiology, worked in public health programs in Ghana and understands the international issues of what it means to deliver a health program or anything related to health and wellbeing in the big picture.”
How does your service work? “We start with a DNA swab. From this, we identify how your genetic markers pinpoint differential injury risks for virtually every part of your body–ankle, knee, shoulder, hip, wrist, elbow, brain, everything. We share that and then we start working with you because we capture from your information: How old you are? Your body? What sports are you playing? What positions do you play? If it's a team sport, how often you play, etc. Then, we start delivering to you some specific insight and guidance, saying, ‘OK, you're at risk for an ACL tear. In this sport you’re in, you need to spend more time strengthening your legs because you're at risk for a tear or maybe you need the limber more.’ It all depends on the sport, the person and so on. We're also going to tell you to use your phone to stream data and tell us what you're doing. Tell us how much you're playing, how much you're warming up, what you're eating, how much sleep you're getting. Shoot a video of you or your kid–if it's a child-–kicking a ball in soccer and send us the video. We'll have our system analyze it to see if the way you're addressing the ball exposes you to a higher risk of getting a problem. The starting point is a DNA swab, but the system is an interactive system in which we're giving you insight and getting data back. We use the metaphor that this is the same model as Google Maps. We’re focused on what outcome you want and giving you paths to get there, letting you choose the path. If you make a mistake we can adjust it. If you change your mind, we can adjust it. So it's a dynamically personalizing system.”
What problem is your company solving? “Athletes getting hurt. In America, one out of eight kid athletes get hurt severely enough to require medical attention. That's three and a half million injuries. In adult athletes, there are 3 million Americans getting hurt each year requiring medical attention. Worldwide, we're talking probably 60 million kids getting injured each year severely enough to require medical attention. That's the problem we're solving.”
What does your product cost and who is your target customer? “We have research that shows that people will pay $300 to get the genetic test and those results and ongoing information for up to six months. Our target customers initially are parents of kid athletes, and weekend warriors, adult athletes. They're our initial target market.”
How are you marketing your product? “We’ll market through social media, stories in the press, podcasts, blogs. We’ll build relationships with health clubs because personal trainers and health clubs are working with the body. Further down the line, we will be working with schools, particularly K-12, and even in elementary and middle school areas where parents can get access to information and help the coach do a better job of working with the kids.”
How do you scale, and what is your targeted level of growth?“We scale because everything we're going to be doing is electronic. And so, it's going to be scaled, because we're not going to be relying on one-to-one human contact which requires building a big infrastructure. Our target level of growth—when you have something you haven't done before and no one's done before, it’s hard to estimate. But the feedback we get from people around the world is, particularly parents, that when you're ready, tell us. We want to come in and start using the product. We anticipate a very-high growth rate.” -- Golden Thread founder Fredric Abramson
Who are your competitors, and what makes you different? “There are companies out there doing genetic testing for athletes on performance, injuries, genetic testing for nutrition and foods. They give you a result, they say, ‘Here's what your genes are telling you. You have this gene and that gene.’ They give you a report and then you're on your own. What we’re doing is saying, ‘Look, it's not the gene report that tells you what to do. It's building this dynamic interactive system that lets you know what you need to do differently than your next-door neighbor who plays on the same team you do.’”
What’s the unfair advantage that separates your company?“We have issued a patent that relates genetic information to behavior activities to create positive health outcomes. The other thing we have is the team is very diverse, and we work with new ideas. We're always in a building mode to say, ‘We don't know all the answers to all the questions, so we can begin adding things.’ The other element that's a competitive advantage is we are building a data analytics system that when we have 1 million, 5 million, 10 million customers, we’ll have this massive database of user experiences that will teach us in a very personalized way how to handle your gene for ACL tear versus the same gene in 10 other people who have the same gene issue, but because of where they play and how they play and so on need different kinds of inputs.”
What milestone have you recently hit or will soon hit? “We're building a prototype, and we're looking to get a prototype out the door by the summer.”
In what ways have you adapted to the COVID-19 pandemic? “The COVID pandemic has allowed us to become totally virtual. Our team members are all over the world.”
Beyond the pandemic, what obstacles has your company had to overcome? “Putting a team together in the absence of any cash has been an extraordinary challenge. The people on the team are very committed, and that's been the biggest obstacle.”
What are the values that are core to your brand? “The whole thing is not to make stuff up. Tell people what we know about the science and what we know about the body and them and to tell them upfront, ‘This is not perfect information. What we're doing is we're learning as we go, we're using the best information available to help you understand what's going on for your kids and yourself.’ That's a core value, to be very straightforward and honest, but also to know that we have to continue to learn every day as we go.”
What does success ultimately look like for your company? “People using it and saying, ‘This has made a difference in my life or my kid's life. We now understand a lot more about the body. We've been able to get the coach of my kid’s team to understand why my child is different.’ One example is concussion risk. The No. 1 injury for girl cheerleaders today is a concussion. If you share that information with a coach and say, ‘My daughter is three times more likely to suffer a concussion, please adjust what she's doing.’ That power of communication and collaboration with a coach means we are getting the payoff we want, which is letting people shape their environment and their behavior to lower the risk.”
What should investors or customers know about you—the person, your life experiences—that shows they can believe in you? “I've always been problem oriented. I solved problems using data analytics and science that people said couldn't be solved, including my PhD thesis which analyzed 600,000 pregnancy outcomes to compute the frequency of pregnancy loss. Or in the ‘70s, writing a computer system that identified your risk of getting infected on admission to a hospital. These are problems people said you can't solve, and I solved them. A key element about me is I don't think I've learned everything that needs to be learned. There's lots of stuff I continue to learn and a growth curve I'm part of.” -- Golden Thread founder Fredric Abramson
Does your service appeal more to younger or older athletes? “In our customer outreach, we haven't found any distinction. Parents by and large, regardless of the age of their kid, say they want to know this. What they want to do with it varies depending on whether the kids are five, 10 or 15 years old. But they all want to know. For the adult athlete, a lot of the people who are interested are athletes who have been injured, who have or seen their teammates injured, and say, ‘I want to know this because I just don't want to go through what I went through two years ago or what I saw my buddy running through.’”
Do you have a favorite quote about leadership?“It’s from W. Somerset Maugham, who wrote ‘Of Human Bondage.’ He wrote, ‘There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.’ That's where we're going. There are rules about genetics, and how it affects athletes and your body but no one knows what the rules are. We're going to discover the rules.”