Minnesota United ownership group has local titans

courtesy of minnesota united fc

While Bill McGuire has been the public face of the 16-person Minnesota United ownership group, behind the scenes there is a venerable who’s who of Minnesota business titans, a group that MLS Deputy Commissioner Mark Abbott said contains “the establishment of this community.” McGuire said that local commitment has been crucial as the group has looked at the team and Allianz Field as “something that makes the community better, something that reflects those community values and making sure we’re placing importance on things that will make a difference in the future — it’s not just ‘wow, it’d be fun to own a soccer team.’” 

Although the team did not make available the specific breakdown of how much each investor owns or how much they paid to be a part of the group, this list represents the majority of the team’s ownership group. Glen Taylor and the Pohlad family came on board as part of the team’s move to MLS in 2016, the same year as the ceremonial groundbreaking for Allianz Field.


Bill McGuire

Former chairman and CEO of UnitedHealth Group


Glen Taylor

Minnesota Timberwolves owner


The Pohlad family

Minnesota Twins owners


Wendy Carlson Nelson

Chairwoman of the Carlson Family Foundation, and member of family that founded business and travel company CWT, formerly known as Carlson


Matt Mithun

Family founded the advertising and marketing firm Mithun


Jeremy Jacobs jr.

Delaware North co-CEO


The Mortenson Family

Operate eponymous construction company, which was the general contractor of Allianz Field


The Binger Family

Represented by Erika Binger, who sits on the board of the McKnight Foundation, one of the country’s largest family foundations, which was started by her great-grandfather William McKnight, the former chairman of 3M


Justin Kelly

CEO of Winslow Capital, a Minneapolis-based investment firm


Ben Grossman

Strategic consultant and head of his advisory and investment practice, Selhurst Media Ventures

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