Weekly Issue

State of Play

State of Play


Forum: No spin: NHL follows through with ESPN


NFL’s $10 billion media rights deals send jaws dropping and rattles the market for others

Discover helps NWHL get back on the ice to crown a champion

iRacing Series cranks engines for its second season

Gaming platform developer Rival shuffles team, taps Wasserman

Golf’s World Champions Cup outlines selling strategy

Wasserman identifies 800 million ‘tech-setters’ in report for DRL

Rozelle on ‘heart-breaking’ week for Asian community and esports’ role in healing

NGBs push back on USOPC marketing plan

The Insiders

Marketing and Sponsorship: ‘Lifetime’ supply of Trout: Topps signs baseball’s best player to its largest and longest deal

Sports Media: Life after the Big Ten: Delany, Montag partner to offer college consulting

Labor and Agents: ICM Stellar Sports gradually building NFL presence as it targets U.S. growth


Whether the Olympics take place this summer, USOPC head says NGBs have nothing to worry about

In Depth

MLB preview: Stacked lineup

Toronto Blue Jays: On the road (again)

MLB: Home renovations

MLB: App-reciate


Building a pipeline on the field and in the community


On the Move

Closing Shot

Closing Shot: Game Faces

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Quote of the Day
Sports were fine for 150 years before we had technology. ... So now we've added this VAR, Video Assisted Referee, which again, I wouldn't mind, what I mind is when we get it wrong. ... I could live with human error, I can't live with human error when the technology is wrong.
-- Peak6 Investments co-founder Matt Hulsizer, on his frustration with the Premier League's VAR technology getting calls wrong.