Juventus eyeing another massive financial loss at end of fiscal year

Serie A club Juventus posted a $86.4M (all figures U.S.) loss “in the second half of its fiscal year to the end of June … indicating a full-year deficit” of around $117M, according to Guilio Piovaccari of REUTERS. Juventus have lost more than $640M in five years “after last posting a net profit in 2016-2017.” Analysts have indicated that Juventus “might need fresh capital” with another big loss coming and $192M “of debt due in June next year.” They added that the club’s “current legal troubles could make a new cash call more complicated.” Juventus is in the middle of a “criminal case against them over allegations of false accounting.” Exor CEO John Elkann, who works for the club’s holding company, last year denied that Juventus would need additional capital (REUTERS, 9/13).

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