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Oakland's hope for MLB expansion still faces hurdles despite recent report

Oakland reportedly will be considered for an MLB expansion franchise over the next five years after the A's relocate to Las Vegas, but a wealthy ownership group “needs to emerge immediately” for that to have any chance of happening, according to Jason Mastrodonato of the San Jose MERCURY NEWS. The bid also would need the "wherewithal to pay the expansion fee, estimated at $2 billion, and build a ballpark.” Former A's P Dave Stewart for the past four years has been leading a group trying to bring MLB to Nashville, and he said, "If there’s an ownership group that wants to try to get a team in Oakland, they should voice themselves now and arrange meetings with the commissioner and show why Oakland is viable for an expansion team and what they plan to do as an ownership group.” He added the expansion process is “not going to wait for a group out of Oakland to show themselves in 2025.” Stewart: “It’s my belief by 2025, expansion will be down the road and Oakland will have missed out.” He noted that while he is "not against" Oakland officials trying to land a team, he is “not rooting for them” either due to his Nashville ties. Stewart: "There are a lot of issues that need to be solved politically for expansion to come to Oakland. And if John Fisher is gone to Las Vegas, who do you blame now if things don’t work out?” (San Jose MERCURY NEWS, 9/14).

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