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Poll: Jacksonville residents not in favor of public money supporting stadium renovation

More than half of Jacksonville residents would "prefer the city sell EverBank Stadium and the surrounding land" to the Jaguars rather than "have city money pay for the stadium to be renovated," according to a Univ. of North Florida poll cited by Timothy Gibbons of the JACKSONVILLE BUSINESS JOURNAL. The plan proposed by the Jaguars -- to have the city split the $2B price tag for the project with the team -- received the "lowest level of support," with only 6% of respondents saying the city should put $1B of public funds into the development. Selling the property to the team "got the support of 51% of respondents, with strong support across all ages and demographics -- including 41% of those who attend more than five NFL games per season." A third of respondents said that they "supported the city spending" up to $500M for the project. Forty-seven percent said that they they "didn't want the city spending" $1B even if it meant that the team moved to another city. About 46% of respondents said that the city "should pay if it came down to the potential of losing the team" (JACKSONVILLE BUSINESS JOURNAL, 9/18).

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