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Sheikh Jassim's ManU bid remains option as Ratcliffe looks at minority stake

Qatari banker Sheikh Jassim Bin Hamad Al Thani’s offer to buy Premier League club Manchester United “remains on the table” amid the possibility that British billionaire Jim Ratcliffe “could buy a minority stake in the club,” according to Samuel Luckhurst of the MANCHESTER EVENING NEWS. Sources said that Sheikh Jassim’s offer is around $6B for “100% ownership” of ManU. The Ineos group had bid to buy the club, but Ratcliffe is “now weighing up acquiring a minority stake” for $1.8B (MANCHESTER EVENING NEWS, 10/4).

BIDING TIME: In London, Morgan & Ducker note a “wide array of investment options are being discussed” with the Glazers, but Ratcliffe is “still eyeing eventual control.” Sheikh Jassim is “interested only in a full buyout.” But the Glazers are said to have held “multi-layered” discussions with other suitors in recent months. Ratcliffe, who has “previously only formalised immediate takeover offers,” is understood to now “be considering a number of potential alternatives in an attempt to get the upper hand.” Morgan & Ducker note with “complexities to overcome around the club’s structure,” Ratcliffe has promised the Glazers he “can be nimble in overcoming potential hurdles.” Sheikh Jassim “undoubtedly has more financial firepower at his disposal.” Sources said that he “wants an outright purchase or nothing” (London TELEGRAPH, 10/4). 

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