New Voices Under 30: Melanie Abzug

Melanie Abzug

Vice President, Consulting and Valuation, Playfly Sports

Adept at managing up and down within Playfly Sports, Melanie Abzug has advised on revenue, partnerships and valuations for clients like the Seattle Mariners and Houston Dynamo and Dash, and on projects such as the New York/New Jersey bid for the FIFA 2026 World Cup.

Zachary James Johnston

Age: 29

Born: Fort Wayne, Ind.

Education: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.A., economics, global studies and history

Getting to Know Melanie

Go-to person when I need help:My dad. Annoyingly and also helpfully, he somehow knows something about everything. He’s the person whom I learned “if you answer with confidence, people will believe you” from. But joking aside, he has helped me in every situation I’ve needed both professionally and personally.

Causes supported: 1) The sleepaway summer camp I grew up going to for 10 years. I stay actively involved both volunteering and monetarily supporting because I hope to play a small part in the ability for future kids to be impacted by this special place like I was. 2) The Children’s Hospital at UNC. As a student at Carolina I was actively involved with our Dance Marathon, the student-run organization that combined in-hospital volunteering with fundraising for families in the children’s hospital, most notably through a no-sitting-for-24-hours dance marathon.

My inspiration: On a daily basis, I’m inspired by my incredible group of girlfriends around me. They inspire me with their compassion, empathy, work ethic, drive, determination, and support. … I’m inspired by proving that I can achieve things or succeed in unlikely scenarios where I doubted myself.

You’d be surprised to know that I … : Love pickleball. I’m fully on the bandwagon (OK, you probably aren’t that surprised to know that).

In the Industry

Impact of my generation on sports: I think our instant-gratification nature has changed the way sports are being engaged with, through the ways that digital technology now plays a role at home and in the stadium; the need for ultra convenience at every touchpoint; and the ability for fans to instantaneously share their experiences with their friends (and followers).

Skill I’d like to learn: Fluently speaking Spanish.

When I attend a sporting event, I want … : To spend 90% of my focus on what’s happening in the game and 10% of my focus on people-watching.

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