NFL begins eyeing new market to host international games in 2024

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said the league wants to "grow to become a real global sport" Getty Images

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said that "'a new market' would 'definitely' stage a game in 2024," also adding the league is "looking primarily at Spain and Brazil" as the host country, according to the BBC. Yesterday the NFL played the first of two games in Frankfurt, but now the league "plans to expand the game further internationally." In Frankfurt, Goodell told NFL Network the league wants to "grow to become a real global sport, so you have to play in more markets, clearly." Goodell: "We're looking primarily at Spain and Brazil. We are definitely going to play in a new market next year but we're still debating between the two." Goodell has said that the league will "move swiftly in their expansion" (BBC, 11/5).

BUILDING MOMENTUM: Goodell alsospoke with Sky Sports in Frankfurt and said the decision on the league's next international location will be made “sometime in the next 30 or 45 days.” Goodell noted the owners “completely understand the potential” of playing games overseas, and every team who plays in an international game returns with the “exact same reaction, that there’s really something powerful here.” As the league “looks at the new markets, more and more are raising their hand and saying, ‘We want to have a game.’ But we don’t want to just come in and play the game, there’s a lot of work that needs to be done to make sure the market is going to maximize the value of that in some fashion. Usually that means there’s has to be some media coverage, there’s got to be activity in the marketplace, there has to be the foundation and then the game sort of lights the match” (Sky Sports, 11/4).

WORLD TOUR:'s Peter King reports Germany will "host one game next year," and it figures to be the Panthers -- the "only one of the four original NFL teams to declare Germany as a global-rights country that hasn't been scheduled for a game here -- giving up one of six non-division games in Charlotte." The Cowboys and Chiefs are on the Panthers' home slate but "seem unlikely to play here next year; Carolina wouldn't want to give up a Cowboys or KC home game." There will be five international games next year: Three in London (two at Tottenham, the Jags at Wembley), one in Munich and one "either in Brazil or Spain." NFL EVP/Club Business, International & League Events Peter O'Reilly said on Saturday, "2025 could be where we might go beyond" the current structure of five outside the U.S. King writes he has a "gut feeling" that games will be played Spain and Brazil "in the next two years, Paris in 2025 or beyond, and Dublin at some point soon." King notes there are "significant rumors" about Spain being the game site for 2024, "likely with the Bears as home team." But stadia in Brazil are a "bit better, and that could be a factor as well." There is also "lots of interest" in Australia, but because of the "arduous road" there, a mid-season game would be "challenging." King: "I wouldn't be surprised to see the NFL play a week-one game in Australia at mid-day on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday, perhaps moving the Super Bowl champ to the Sunday night opener" (, 11/6).

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