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Staley: More networks need to 'compete' to broadcast women's basketball to grow sport

South Carolina women’s basketball coach Dawn Staley said for women’s basketball to continue to grow “we need more networks to compete for our talents." Staley: "I don’t know if that’s happening, but I hope it’s happening in the near future because our television deal is up” with ESPN." She added that ESPN has "done a great job giving us a platform to grow, to take us where we are now, and I’ve said this and they probably don’t like that I say this, but we need other networks to show our worth and to show ESPN our worth. ESPN knows our worth but if there’s no competition, you’re not going to throw millions, hundreds of millions of dollars into our sport if nobody’s competing for us in that space.” She wants to “drum up the competition” for the media rights to women’s college basketball and “if we’re still with ESPN, great. They’ve been with us for a very long time but it doesn’t work without competition” ( “The ETCs with Kevin Durant,” Boardroom Podcast Network,, 11/6).

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