In Milwaukee, Piet Levy reported the proposal for a “heavily debated live-music venue is heading to the Milwaukee Common Council” following approval from the city's Zoning, Neighborhoods and Development Committee Monday. If approved by the council later this year, construction could begin in March, with a tentative opening in fall 2025. The proposed venue, planned for a “portion of the Bradley Center lot just south of Fiserv Forum," is on land owned by the Bucks. The “scaled-back pans” include “about 12,500 square feet for development on the lot.” Bucks President Peter Feigin yesterday said that they “anticipate a hotel tenant moving into that spot” (MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL, 11/13).

WINDY CITY CRICKET: In Chicago, Linda Girardi noted the Oswego Village Board approved, in a 4-1 vote, a special use permit to “allow an outdoor cricket stadium to be built” in Oswego that eventually could hold 24,000 fans. The project would be built in four phases and also include a restaurant and hotel. The total projected cost is “approximately” $100M, with the entire development being funded by “private money.” Girardi noted phase three of the development, slated for late 2024 or 2025, would “bring seating at the stadium to 6,000” and would “allow the stadium to accommodate professional cricket events.” The project's fourth phase, which would bring capacity to 14,000 fans and “accommodate national cricket events,” is planned for “late 2025 or 2026.” Girardi noted that second and third levels of stadium seating “could be constructed in the future,” which could provide seating for 24,000 fans (CHICAGO TRIBUNE, 11/12).