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76ers' arena proposal scrutinized in first official city review

A draft plan for the  $1.55B arena proposed by the 76ers in Center City “generated hours of questioning during its first official review from a city-appointed panel of architecture and planning experts” yesterday, according to Jake Blumgart of the PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. Blumgart noted “at least 30 members of the public” weighed in at the special meeting of the “advisory-only” Civic Design Review committee, as well during the daylong virtual meeting, and were “uniformly critical of the proposed 18,500-seat stadium.” CDR committee members voted at the end of the day to invite the development team back to “give them a chance to make changes in response to the critiques they heard in the meeting.” CDR Vice Chair Dan Garofalo said, “We’ve never had an experience just like this one. There hasn’t been anyone speaking in favor of this project in, what, six hours?” The arena development team, 76 DevCo, and architecture firm Gensler “walked CDR members and the public through the site plan.” Yesterday’s presentation on the “master plan” for the project “focused on parking, loading zones, pedestrian access, and the layout of buildings on the site as opposed to the proposed structures themselves.” The CDR process is “meant to give developers an opportunity to hear outside perspectives by experts, and the public, on their projects and the option of making improvements to their plans in response” (PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, 12/18).

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