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Columnist: 2023 was the year of sports hypocrisy

If 2022 was the year sports “flexed its muscle on the social issues its constituents felt strongly about,” then 2023 was when those constituents “realized that the crusade for a more just and equitable world doesn’t pay all that well,” according to Cathal Kelly of the GLOBE & MAIL. Kelly wrote 2023 was the year “rediscovered how lucrative hypocrisy can be.” It was not that long ago that no sporting event could be held “without a show of solidarity for one cause or another.” They “weren’t going to go along with the old way of doing things. Until they were.” Kelly wrote players “learned those lessons the hard way.” Kelly: “Whatever you do, do not endanger the money. Presto – there’s your platform.” The WTA “did something” when it “cut China out of its business.” Then it “waited for the players to feel the financial effect of that.” A year and a half later, Peng was still nowhere to be seen, so the players agreed it was time to “hang the ‘Mission Accomplished’ banner and get back to work.” Kelly: “No one in sports risked anything. Nobody was blacklisted. Quite the opposite.”  As a “few of sports’ loudest critics” became “corporate darlings.” But the “returns were diminishing rapidly” now that everyone had the “correct opinions on everything, there wasn’t enough conflict to draw interest.” Kelly wrote that “two, three years ago, we were having serious philosophical discussions about the intersection of human rights, sports and state-level investment by autocracies.” Now we are “talking about how we can figure out a World Cup of Hockey that includes Russia and when Saudi Arabia should get an Olympics.” The “fundamentals never changed.” Money “was, is and always will be everyone’s paramount concern" (GLOBE & MAIL, 12/25). 

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