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Patriots' Kraft nearing major decision on Belichick's future

Patriots owner Robert Kraft has "grown frustrated as his team, once a model of success, has cratered into one of the NFL’s worst” since former QB Tom Brady’s departure while coach Bill Belichick has “expressed irritation that all the success he’s helped provide hasn’t garnered more deference during this decline,” according to Chad Graff of THE ATHLETIC. Kraft during his tenure “remains cognizant of his image” and “careful in his decision-making.” Graff writes it is “unlikely” Kraft will decide Belichick’s fate with his HOF candidacy top of mind as there are “bigger issues at play.” Whatever decision Kraft makes “will be part of that legacy, adding extra weight to an already difficult and important choice.” Change, however, “feels inevitable.” Graff writes some “see it as a sign of respect” that Kraft did not "fire Belichick outright following one of several rock-bottom moments this season." But that said, it is “hard to imagine simply running things back with minimal changes.” Graff writes perhaps Kraft “might be enticed to keep Belichick as the coach if he’d relinquish power elsewhere (like control of player personnel or the draft),” but it “seems unlikely” that Belichick is going to willingly give up the authority he has amassed. What “seems most likely is a mutual parting of the ways” (THE ATHLETIC, 1/2).

WILL HE OR WON'T HE? In Boston, Dan Shaughnessy wrote Kraft has “never faced a decision like this one.” Shaughnessy: “How does Kraft fire Belichick, then someday invite him back for a statue dedication?” After finishing 8-9 in 2022, Kraft “apologized to fans and pledged that things would get better.” Things “have gotten worse.” Kraft does “not want to fire Belichick.” Shaughnessy wrote New England’s “needy owner longs to be loved.” He “wants peace with honor.” He is 82 and “desperately” wants to be inducted into the Pro Football HOF. He “didn’t like the way things ended with Brady” and now he is “at a critical mass regarding one of the greatest coaches of all time” (BOSTON GLOBE, 12/31). In Massachusetts, Karen Guregian wrote the 27-21 loss to the Bills on Sunday “assured the Patriots of finishing in the AFC East basement for the first time in 23 years.” Kraft reportedly “made up his mind weeks ago” that he was moving on from Belichick. Guregian wrote deciding on a split "wasn’t said to be the firmest decision," but “how can Kraft possibly change his mind at this stage?” While the Patriots have “certainly hit a low point,” Kraft’s decision-making “shouldn’t necessarily revolve around what’s happened this season alone.” It should be “based on the team’s deterioration over time,” and that “includes Tom Brady’s final season.” While it is “hard to fathom” a Patriots sideline without Belichick, Kraft “can’t be swayed by sentiment” (, 1/1).

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