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Pelicans, Gray TV ink deal to air games on local stations

The Pelicans will have 10 games broadcast locally on WVUE-Fox and “other Gray Television-owned stations throughout the Gulf South over the next four months” starting with the Jan. 12 game against the Nuggets, according to Christian Clark of the New Orleans ADVOCATE. The Pelicans were one of the NBA teams that “secured the rights to test the waters with an over-the-air partner” in the Bally Sports bankruptcy hearing. The new deal will allow the Pelicans to “vastly increase their TV audience” in the final half of the 2023-24 season. Under the current agreement with Bally Sports, the Pelicans reach “approximately 700,000 viewers,” but the deal with Gray will allow the team to “reach around 7 million viewers.” It also will allow Pelicans fans “in three different states -- Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama -- to watch New Orleans play on a free over-the-air signal.” The production team the Pelicans work with to broadcast games on Bally Sports will "not change when the team shows games on Gray stations.” The broadcast trio of play-by-play voice Joel Meyers, color commentator Antonio Daniels and sideline reporter Jennifer Hale will "not change, either” (New Orleans ADVOCATE, 12/30).

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