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Kimmel slams Aaron Rodgers for Epstein comments

Jimmy Kimmel addressed the ongoing controversy over Aaron Rodgerson last night's episode of his ABC late-night talk show, "launching into a seven-minute rant" that described the Jets QB as a "'hamster-brained man' who was 'too arrogant to be ignorant.'" Kimmel said in his opening monologue, "I don’t know Jeffrey Epstein, I’ve never met Jeffrey Epstein." Kimmel then proceeded to "speculate why Rodgers would mention his name" and "figured it was retaliation for a 2023 segment on his show that poked fun at the NFL star’s penchant for conspiracy theories around the COVID-19 pandemic." Kimmel then described Rodgers as someone who "typifies the Dunning-Kruger effect," a phenomenon where "people with limited competence in a particular domain overestimate their abilities." Kimmel: "He genuinely thinks that because God gave him the ability to throw a ball, he’s smarter than everyone else. The idea that his brain is just average is unfathomable to him" (HOLLYWOOD REPORTER, 1/8).

USA TODAY's Mike Freeman wrote in the end, parts of the monologue "were so cutting, I think it could potentially impact how Rodgers is viewed in the New York Jets locker room." There "will be coaches and players who will secretly watch this clip and wince." That's because Kimmel "didn't take Rodgers down a peg" -- he "buried Rodgers deep underground." Freeman: "It's not necessarily rip roaring funny, but Kimmel wasn't trying to be that, in that moment" (USA TODAY, 1/8).

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