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Disney, ESPN getting close to boiling point with McAfee and Rodgers

ESPN had Rodgers on its air for an hour, going over his feud with late night host Jimmy Kimmel, reviewing his feelings on Dr. Anthony Fauci and COVID-19 among the many topics during yesterday's show ESPN

Disney CEO Bob Iger and ESPN Chair Jimmy Pitaro have both been “conspicuously silent” as Pat McAfee "very publicly uses their air to host a weekly conspiracy program" with Jets QB Aaron Rodgers, according to Oliver Darcy of Neither Iger nor Pitaro “said a word” yesterday as Rodgers made his way back to ESPN's air, using his regular appearance on the Disney-owned channel to “go on an extended rant” on a range of topics unrelated to sports. Darcy wrote Disney and ESPN are “dealing with a complex problem.” It is “not easy to rein in big personalities” -- especially when "neither McAfee nor Rodgers are ESPN employees.” ESPN “licenses McAfee's show (the company doesn't produce it)” and Rodgers has “no direct business relationship with the sports channel.” But it is a bed that Iger and Pitaro "made when they willfully entered into a business relationship with McAfee and inked an eye-popping agreement” to expand it last year. McAfee “is McAfee.” He “has not changed,” and neither Iger nor Pitaro “should be surprised with the mess they are now being forced to clean up” (, 1/9). The WALL STREET JOURNAL’s Isabella Simonetti wrote ESPN's current situation with McAfee “shows the risks of betting on larger-than-life personalities to stay relevant in the streaming era,” where viewers have “myriad options and have become quite fickle” (WALL STREET JOURNAL, 1/9).

LOVE HIM OR HATE HIM: POYNTER’s Tom Jones wrote McAfee has “put ESPN in the awkward position that we all figured was going to happen eventually.” One could argue that McAfee is “not responsible for what a guest says.” Then again, it is his guest, and this guest “often says problematic things that McAfee rarely pushes back on.” This puts ESPN “in a tough spot.” The network “has a lot invested in McAfee.” It “values McAfee,” and it also “realizes how important Rodgers is to McAfee’s show.” Like him or not, Rodgers “helps the show make noise.” Jones: “But it can’t have these kinds of irresponsible comments being amplified, especially about one of the company’s biggest names” (POYNTER, 1/8).

PROBLEM ON HAND? In N.Y., Andrew Marchand noted ESPN had Rodgers on its air for an hour, going over his feud with late night host Jimmy Kimmel, reviewing his feelings on Dr. Anthony Fauci and COVID-19, while also "criticizing" the ESPN exec in charge of McAfee's show. Rodgers also mentioned the ESPN exec whom McAfee "called a 'rat.'" Marchand noted McAfee “appears to be very loyal to those close to him,” but there is “not much evidence yet that he wants to be a good teammate to ESPN.” In his desire to "never change and to be totally true to himself," he is completely throwing Iger, Pitaro and ESPN President of Content Burke Magnus “under the bus.” Iger, Pitaro and Magnus already “handed McAfee the keys to back over them.” The Rodgers segments, however, have “devolved into a middle-school lunchroom fight.” While McAfee may be the only one able to fix it, he “doesn’t seem to be in any rush to do so” (N.Y. POST, 1/9). In D.C., Strauss & Boren noted Rodgers’ comments yesterday were “part of a rambling and scattershot segment that took ESPN away from the major sports stories of the day.” The company “likes to say it serves sports fans ‘anytime, anywhere’” and spent the Trump era “trying to reestablish its apolitical brand.” But Rodgers’ “exhaustive” discussion of the efficacy of masking and anti-viral medications like Remdesivir “were anything but” (WASHINGTON POST, 1/9).

CARTE BLANCHE: USA TODAY’s Mike Sykes II noted Rodgers came on ESPN’s airwaves on an ESPN property to, “once again for a second consecutive week, call out an ESPN executive.” Sykes: “Can anyone tell me the last time nonsense like this was espoused on an ESPN program without consequence? … McAfee calls an ESPN executive a 'rat' live on the air and nothing happens? Got it. Aaron Rodgers can tell Mike Foss he doesn’t work for him and continue to come on an ESPN show? OK, cool.” Sykes noted it seems that anybody who is a part of the show is "given carte blanche.” McAfee, Rodgers and company have “become a problem ESPN needs to solve.” Sykes: “Maybe the Disney-on-Disney beef won’t escalate any further. But this is absolutely going to happen again. It might not be Kimmel, but it’ll certainly be someone else. And the results could be much, much worse” (USA TODAY, 1/9).

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