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ATP, WTA unveil new scheduling guidelines to cut back on late-night tennis

Andy Murray and Thanasi Kokkinakis' second round match at 2023 Australian Open finished at 4am local time Getty Images

The WTA and ATP have introduced “new scheduling guidelines” in their “first coordinated efforts to cut back on late-night tennis,” according to Howard Fendrich of the AP. The guidelines would prevent matches from "starting after 11 p.m. except with approval" and recommend a "6:30 p.m. start for night sessions at tournaments." The new scheduling guidance also includes “allowing no more than five matches on any court each day after an 11 a.m. start,” with "three during a day session and two in the evening." While the Grand Slam tournaments are not governed by the tours, Tennis Australia said that it was “hoping to add some breathing room to its event’s schedule this year and reduce the late-night play by starting competition a day earlier than usual" -- Sunday instead of Monday. Fendrich noted the WTA and ATP also are conducting what they called “a strategic review” to try to “add more consistency to the kinds of tennis balls used” starting in 2025. This comes following "complaints by players that the week-to-week changes in equipment are problematic and possibly causing more injuries.” For years, each tournament has "been allowed to choose a ball supplier or sponsor,” but the aim of the review is to “now move towards a more consistent and centralized approach by WTA and ATP.” This is the “latest example of the two tours working together” (AP, 1/9).

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BALL GAME: In Sydney, Billie Eder wrote the “science of tennis balls made its way into the news again” after tennis player Thanasi Kokkinakis said the balls turned “into lemons” after being knocked out of the Adelaide International. Eder noted the “lemons” Kokkinakis is talking about are "made by Dunlop, and are the same balls that will be used at this year’s Australian Open." At last year’s Australian Open, Rafael Nadal complained that the balls lost pressure “after a couple of hits” which made it “more difficult to hit with the right spin.” Players are “increasingly calling for balls to be standardised,” with claims heavier balls “increase the risk of injury” (SYDNEY MORNING HERALD, 1/9).

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