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Pelicans will use 10-game slate on over-the-air TV to gauge accessibility

The Pelicans will broadcast games on Gray-owned stations over the next three months to “allow the team to gauge how much their TV audience can grow” before the team “decides what to do with their local rights this summer,” according to Christian Clark of the New Orleans ADVOCATE. The Pelicans have the rights to show a “maximum of 10 of this season’s games over the air," including Friday's game against the Nuggets that will be broadcasted on WVUE-TV and 11 other markets throughout Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. The games that they broadcast on over-the-air stations will “allow the Pelicans to reach approximately” 7 million viewers, a tenfold increase from broadcasts on Bally Sports, which “top out at around 700,000 viewers." For the NBA Finals, the average household TV rating of that five-game series was 7.24 in the New Orleans market, the 13th-highest rating of any major media market in the U.S. The NBA Finals are broadcast on ABC, an over-the-air channel. While enthusiasm for the NBA in New Orleans has, at times, “seemed lukewarm,” that data point suggested that there is “an appetite to watch high-level professional basketball,” so long as it is accessible (New Orleans ADVOCATE, 1/12).

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