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French official: 'No doubt' country can pull off 2030 Winter Games despite late bid

The leader of one of the French Alps regions poised to stage the 2030 Winter Games has "no doubt his country can pull it off, dismissing the idea that Salt Lake City, the preferred host for 2034, could be asked to step up sooner," according to Lisa Riley Roche of the DESERET NEWS. Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region President Renaud Muselier made it "clear he’s certain France’s late entry into the race for the 2030 Olympics will get through the latest phase" of the IOC’s new bid process that "requires detailed plans." The IOC last month chose the French Alps over bids from Switzerland and Sweden for 2030 and Salt Lake City for 2034 to "enter what's known as targeted dialogue for those Games." Between now and the final vote set for July, the French and U.S. bids are “expected to submit a massive amount of paperwork spelling out specifics for those Games along with negotiating contracts.” The Salt Lake City-Utah Committee for the Games has ”already completed nearly everything needed by the IOC.” Utah’s bid has been “viewed as a backup for 2030,” especially now with France “still putting together its plans after jumping into the race last summer.” Salt Lake City has “prepared to host in either 2030 or 2034” but the “preference is for the later date” (DESERET NEWS, 1/12).

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