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NHL's Mayer talks All-Star Weekend's return to its roots in Toronto

NHL All-Star Weekend will "stay closer to its origins" when it returns to Toronto this week after an “added skills contest and celebrity elements started vying for attention of neophyte fans in non-traditional markets,” according to Lance Hornby of the TORONTO SUN. NHL Chief Content Officer Steve Mayer said once they "decided to revamp" the event, they "found bringing the fun, happy events outside the arena didn’t feel right.” Mayer said given the location of this year’s event and the feeling it has to be more traditional, they “just thought those events, which ended up getting great responses, were a little off the beaten path and now we’ve decided we wanted to stay on it.” He said the NHL “looked at doing something at the top of the CN Tower,” but those off-site events "take time." Mayer: "We wanted to put that into what happens in (Scotiabank) Arena.” Mayer said the "players input had a lot to do with it (changing this year)." But he said, “I’m not saying we won’t go back to that (depending on the future host cities).” Mayer said the celebrity aspect to the event is a "great part of it," as they are "not just showing up, they’re all passionate hockey fans." They also "bring their fan base," which helps as the league is "looking to grow the game through whichever avenue” (TORONTO SUN, 1/29).

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