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USSF training center to be named for Arthur Blank

The new U.S. Soccer Federation HQ will be named the Arthur M. Blank National Training Center, an honor that was bestowed during the facility's groundbreaking today. The first-of-its-kind center will be constructed in Fayette County with an estimated cost of $200M, $50M of which will be "covered by a pledge from Falcons and Atlanta United owner Blank." The news that Blank would be the recipient was "followed by a video about him and his philanthropic efforts," narrated by his son, Josh. Blank said after that he "didn’t know that Josh and U.S. Soccer had produced the video" and that it "made him emotional." USSF President Cindy Parlow Cone and CEO JT Batson said the name of the training center was officially decided "recently." Blank said he and his team at Arthur M. Blank Sports and Entertainment have "seen the plans for the center and have approved the renderings." Blank said having the center named after him was "among his proudest achievements" because building it "will provide a chance for young people to achieve their dreams" (ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION, 4/8).

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