The NWSL will be the only major U.S. professional league still flying commercial after the WNBA's move to full charter flight service, and NWSLPA Exec Dir Meghann Burke said that the day is “fast approaching” where that needs to change, according to Nancy Armour of USA TODAY. In an email, Burke said with “more frequent travel, charter flights aren’t a luxury -- they’re becoming a necessity.” Armour wrote while it may “seem unlikely that anything would change” before the current CBA expires in 2026, the NWSL “has loosened its policies on charters.” In addition to the playoffs, teams can “use charters if they have midweek and weekend games in the same week or if there are no direct flights departing and landing between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.” Previously, both conditions “had to be met.” Teams also can “appeal to the commissioner in emergency or unforeseen circumstances,” such as weather delays or high-priority medical circumstances. With a team in Orlando, the NWSL “actually has a larger footprint currently than the WNBA.” Both leagues have teams in Southern California, the Pacific Northwest and N.Y. (USA TODAY, 5/11).
NWSL approaching the need for charter flights after WNBA's move