Penske Entertainment crafting IndyCar TV contract to be flexible for networks

Penske Entertainment and CEO Mark Miles are thinking of crafting a TV contract “that’s shorter than usual to provide more flexibility if the network and streaming landscape continues to evolve at a fast rate” after IndyCar’s broadcast contract expires at the end of the season, according to Marshall Pruett of RACER. Miles said they are “probably a couple of weeks away” from them knowing which direction they will “want to go.” Miles: “But that is not the same as having contracts done and all the I’s dotted and T’s crossed and being ready to announce. So I think we’ll probably be where we thought we’d be in terms of having some internal clarity by the 500.” He added, “But I don’t think it gets announced until a little bit after that.” Pruett noted where the broadcast side “should be somewhat straightforward,” the streaming portion is where a “wave of recent and potential upcoming changes could add a layer of complication as major streamers are joining forces in new bundling packages.” Miles said that what Penske Entertainment is developing would be a “mirror of today’s package with traditional network/cable and streaming presented in an equal fashion for its fans.” He also anticipates that the next deal to follow Thursday’s practice with NBC and Peacock “where its network partner is also in charge of streaming the product” (RACER, 5/16).

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