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Executive Transactions - July 29, 2024

Veteran football administrator MARK ROBINSONhas been hired as Univ. of Georgia Associate AD and football coach KIRBY SMART’s Chief of Staff. Robinson has a wealth of experience, having worked briefly at Univ. of Florida, under JIMBO FISHERat Texas A&M and FSU, and under BOBBY PETRINO at Arkansas (X, 7/27).

UCLA named ERIN ADKINS Exec Senior Associate AD/NIL Operations & Sport Administration. Adkins has oversight of NIL operations, governance and student-athlete development. She is also the sport administrator for Football, Women’s Soccer and Baseball (UCLA).

The Univ. of New Mexico promoted Associate AD/Compliance, Deputy Title IX Coordinator & Interim SWA AMY BEGGIN to Senior Associate AD/Compliance, Deputy Title IX Coordinator & SWA (Univ. of New Mexico).

Cornell Athletics Deputy AD/Finance & Administration LARRY QUANT earlier this month announced his retirement effective July 15 (Cornell).

Elon Univ. promoted Associate AD/Compliance & Administration JEFFREY SCHEIBLE to Senior Associate AD/Internal Operations. The school also promoted Associate AD/Business Operations MARGARET LAWS to Senior Associate AD/Finance and Operations & CFO (Elon Univ.).

Boston Univ. promoted Assistant AD/Student-Athlete Support Services KRISTIN WEISSE to Associate AD/Student-Athlete Support Services. Boston U also promoted Assistant AD/Capital Planning & Facilities Operations JILL CARDELLA to Associate AD/Capital Planning & Facilities Operations (Boston Univ.).

The Univ. of Illinois Chicago promoted Assistant AD/Communications & Creative Services AJ SCHRAFFENBERGER to Associate AD/Communications & Creative Services (UIC).

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