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Bucks launch weight-loss program in efforts to tackle obesity

The Bucks have launched a “free weight-loss program designed to combat obesity and prevent related conditions like diabetes and heart disease,” according to Sarah Volpenhein of the MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL. Funded by the Milwaukee Bucks Foundation, the initiative started earlier this year and aims to enroll "as many as 1,000 patients" by the end of the year. Dr. Elizabeth Sharp, the wife of Bucks co-owner Wes Edens, “spearheaded the initiative.” Sharp said that “more than 100 people have enrolled so far” in the 12-month program called Bucks Health and Wellness Program, which offers weight-loss medication, personalized meal plans, an exercise program and regular follow-up visits with medical providers. The goal of the program is to “help people lose weight and keep it off, even after they stop.” When asked why the team launched their own anti-obesity program, rather than do so through one of the existing health care organizations in the city, Sharp said that they “wanted to maintain a level of independence and autonomy.” Sharp: "It gives us the flexibility to partner with everybody, as opposed to being tied to one specific partner” (MILWAUKEE JOURNAL SENTINEL, 7/26).

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