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Blazers team with nonprofit to restore Rose Quarter

The Trail Blazers have united with Portland nonprofit Albina Vision Trust to form a partnership “dedicated to reinvigorating the Albina neighborhood and Rose Quarter through restorative projects." The Albina Rose Alliance’s goal is to “support community-led plans to develop the area into a vibrant part of the city that attracts people year-round rather than primarily only for concerts and sporting events.” While “no specific projects have been developed within the alliance,” AVT and the Blazers will “support each other in pursuing independent projects that share the same vision.” Trail Blazers President of Business Operations Dewayne Hankins indicated that “having both entities working in lockstep with the same vision will help each get things done” (Portland OREGONIAN, 7/30). By joining forces with the Trail Blazers, AVT “hopes the Rose Quarter and its two large sports arenas, the Moda Center and Veterans Memorial Coliseum, can serve as a hub for neighborhood revitalization” (OREGON PUBLIC BROADCASTING, 7/30). 

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