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Flying Squirrels, Richmond sign agreements to build new $110M ballpark

The city of Richmond is targeting 2026 to open its new minor-league baseball stadium at the Diamond District -- Machete Group (project manager), Odell Architecture (designer) City of Richmond

Agreements between the Richmond Economic Development Authority and Double-A Eastern League Richmond Flying Squirrels ownership have been signed to "build a 9,000-seat stadium for roughly" $110M, according to John O’Connor of the RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH. The parties also "agreed on a 30-year lease." The Flying Squirrels, along with Machete Group as project management consultant, will “oversee the building and development of the ballpark.” According to the city, site work “has already begun.” O’Connor noted stadium construction is “expected to begin soon,” with a targeted opening for the 2026 season. As the new ballpark takes shape backed by city funding and an associated budget, Flying Squirrels Managing General Partner Lou DiBella said, “If I have to spend a couple of million extra to have the park we think everyone deserves, that’s on my partners and I ... I’m not going to nickel and dime my house.” O’Connor noted under the lease agreement, the Flying Squirrels will make annual payments of $3.2M for the first 10 years, with the payment dropping to $1.3M in year 11 and escalating 3% year over year thereafter. The team will be “responsible for the operation and management of the ballpark,” which is expected to host events apart from Flying Squirrels and VCU baseball. The new ballpark, “expected to be named for sponsor CarMax," is “projected as anchor” of the $2.4B Diamond District (RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH, 8/19).

RELATED: Richmond unanimously approves funding plan for new Flying Squirrels ballpark

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