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Buffalo Pro Soccer hones in on two potential stadium sites for USL club

Buffalo Pro Soccer, which wants to bring a USL Championship club to Western N.Y. by 2026, is "down to two potential locations" to build a soccer stadium, according to Michael Petro the BUFFALO NEWS. The group is “deciding between a downtown location at the parking lot of the former Buffalo News on Scott Street and a location not yet announced just outside downtown." A decision is expected on the approximately 10,000-seat stadium "before the end of the year." A stadium in the back of the Buffalo News properties "would add to the creation of a stadium district downtown” and “could help fill the void” left by the Bills deciding against building a stadium in the city. Since March, Buffalo Pro Soccer President Peter Marlette Jr. has been “trying to raise the money needed to form the team and find a suitable place for it to play -- a task that, in total, is likely to require tens of millions of dollars." It will also require “recruiting a group of partners and investors willing to spend millions of dollars to bring a team to the region.” Marlette “reached an agreement with USL executives toward the end of last year," with the league having been "persistent about bringing a team to Buffalo" (BUFFALO NEWS, 9/25).

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