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Clark County awaits A’s finalizing with Vegas stadium authority to engage on development agreement

Clark County is waiting for the A’s to finalize their dealings with the Las Vegas Stadium Authority before they “fully engage with the team in a development agreement” for the team’s planned Strip ballpark, according to Mick Akers of the LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL. Clark County Commissioner Jim Gibson said that he has “seen proposed outlines of potential dates,” but a "lot of the timing is tied to when the A’s have the stadium nearly fully designed, finalize their agreements with the stadium authority and then the county will get the matter on a meeting agenda.” Akers notes the A’s are negotiating with the stadium authority on development, nonrelocation and lease agreements, with near final versions of those agreements "expected to be presented at an Oct. 17 stadium authority meeting." The agreements "could be approved at a Dec. 5 meeting." Between now and December, the A’s must also “detail their stadium financing plan” for the $1.5B project. The agreements with the stadium authority and county and securing the needed financing for the ballpark are required in order to make the up to $380M in public financing available to the team. Although the team has yet to reveal its detailed financing plan, Gibson said that he “has no doubt the project will move ahead as planned.” Gibson: “We’re confident that the stadium is going to be built, even though in the media there has been a lot of attention that they’re playing here and playing there. We are certain that we’re going to have a stadium” (LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL, 10/2). 

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