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Georgia Tech's new fundraising campaign set to 'heavily invest' in athletics

Georgia Tech's "Full Steam Ahead" fundraising initiative aims to raise $500M for the university's athletic department Georgia Tech

Georgia Tech plans to “heavily invest” in its athletics program, in the latest venture being called the “Full Steam Ahead” campaign by the school’s fundraising arm the Alexander-Tharpe Fund, according to Chad Bishop of the ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION. The campaign is a $500M fundraising initiative and GT reports that "nearly" $300M has already been raised towards that goal. Projects of the campaign include a “renovation of Bobby Dodd Stadium,” including chairback seats throughout the stadium replacing current bleacher seating, "elevated premium spaces and videoboard and sound system upgrades to provide an enhanced gameday experience,” a "revamp of the Zelnak Basketball Center" and a “modernization of O’Keefe Gym.” The “Full Steam Ahead” campaign’s logo is already painted at midfield inside Bobby Dodd Stadium ahead of GT’s showdown with undefeated Duke at 8pm ET Saturday (ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION, 10/4).

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