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Manfred meets with Pinellas Co. on Rays' ballpark

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MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred yesterday met with Pinellas County officials to discuss the “stalled” decision on public financing for a new Rays ballpark. County Administrator Barry Burton said that he and County Commission Chair Kathleen Peters met with the commissioner while adding that Manfred “requested the meeting and it was arranged through Peters’ office.” No one from the Rays was present. Peters in a text said, “He spoke of his support of the deal and the fans.” Peters said that Manfred “only spoke of his support for the deal” and “did not offer any solutions” regarding the Rays’ supposed financial concerns. County Commissioner Dave Eggers, who voted no on the deal in July but said that he “had a meeting scheduled with the team last week,” said in a text that he “did not meet with Manfred” (TAMPA BAY TIMES, 12/9).

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