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With approval of ballpark bonds, Pinellas County says decision on Rays ballpark now up to team


The Pinellas County Commission said that it is now on the Rays to “decide whether it wants to go through with building” a $1.3B ballpark and a massive new residential, entertainment and business district on public land on the edge of downtown after commissioners approved bonds for the park late Tuesday, according to Colleen Wright of the TAMPA BAY TIMES. The board "approved paying for part of" a new Rays stadium in a 5-2 vote. Rather than celebrating the approval vote that “just a month ago seemed impossible, the team says there’s still no deal.” No one from the team "attended the meeting." In a statement after the vote, Rays co-President Matt Silverman "continued to blame the commission for delays they say will cause the stadium to open a year later than scheduled in 2029, resulting in increased construction costs." Wright noted the Rays are still "on the hook for all cost overruns." Pinellas County Commissioner Brian Scott, a supporter of the deal from the beginning, "called the Rays’ statement 'laughable.'" The team has not said specifically how much more money is needed to build the ballpark, though fellow county Commissioner Chris Latvala said that the club "has put that cost at" $200M. The Rays have until March 31 to "meet certain benchmarks that would unlock the city’s and county’s funds for construction." Silverman emailed the commission Monday evening with a "checklist that had the team meeting four out of 13 conditions, though he did not send any documentation as proof” (TAMPA BAY TIMES, 12/17).

CHANGE OF HEART: Latvala -- whose opposition to the ballpark has "sparked fury" among Rays fans -- said that his conversation with MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred"changed his mind.” Latvala: "While I do not trust the owner of the Rays, I trust Mr. Manfred. He's committed to this market. I view him as an ally when the owner of this franchise has, for some reason, decided to be an adversary." Latvala said that he hopes Rays principal owner Stu Sternberg “sells the team” (TAMPA BAY BUSINESS JOURNAL, 12/17).

Tampa Bay Times

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