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Buffalo Pro Soccer identifies preferred stadium site, but public funds needed first

Buffalo Pro Soccer -- the group that wants to bring a professional soccer team to Buffalo -- has identified the former Buffalo News and HSBC Atrium parking lots on Washington and Scott streets as its “preferred site” for a 10,000-seat stadium, according to Michael Petro of the BUFFALO NEWS. But Buffalo Pro Soccer also said that it “needs the state to provide funding to cover about half of the estimated” $40M cost of the project. The stadium’s price tag “would be around” $30M, with additional funds “needed for operations.” Buffalo Pro Soccer President Peter Marlette Jr. noted that without the funding, Buffalo Pro Soccer will “likely need to pivot to one of two other locations in the city that are also in discussion.” Marlette is not identifying the two other  stadium sites, but said that they "would likely be feasible without state funding.” He added that the preferred location “provides the most economic impact for the area." Marlette indicated that he is hopeful the men’s team in the USL Championship league will “get its start for the 2026 season.” Marlette would like to allow for “at least eight months for remediation that will be required for the site and to get the stadium built with prefabricated modular pieces.” Perto noted that type of stadium “reduces the cost and time and can be constructed from the ground up, slab-on-grade.” Buffalo Pro Soccer would “own and manage the stadium with a long-term land lease” from developer Douglas Jemal. The field also could be "used for lacrosse and rugby" and to "host concerts, youth clinics and other events.” Marlette mentioned that the site would have “green space" that could include pickle ball courts, a mini soccer field, picnic areas and a stage as part of a "live, work and play environment in a neighborhood that is a sea of parking lots right now and is losing visitors every year” (BUFFALO NEWS, 1/29).

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