NHL agents express concerns over marketing, CBA in survey

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A group of 19 NHL agents polled in a survey indicated that what is “holding the NHL back” is “mainly marketing,” according to Russo & Mirtle of THE ATHLETIC. The “bulk of responses” from the agents “centered around the league’s perceived failings when it comes to selling the game and its star players, bringing in new audiences and growing hockey-related revenue (HRR).” One agent, however, “noted a hurdle faced by the league in promoting player personalities: the players themselves.” Meanwhile, more than one agent “highlighted the NHL’s problem in getting the games in front of viewers.” The agents also shared “an array of concerns” when asked about the biggest issue in the next CBA negotiations. Most “center around money” and how it is “divided between owners and players.” Several agents noted that players “should get a piece of expansion fees.” Escrow came up with “nearly half the agents.” A “falling Canadian dollar” also “had some worried about the potential hit to HRR.” Some others had “thoughts on adjustments to the salary cap.” All in all, many agents are “hopeful the next round of negotiations will feature less animosity than we’ve seen in the past” (THE ATHLETIC, 2/26).

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