Georgia Tech officials provide updates to revenue sharing, facility plans

New turf is scheduled to be installed at Bobby Dodd Stadium “over the summer” bobby dodd stadium

The Georgia Tech Athletic Association BOT yesterday held a meeting and school officials noted that GT is “tracking, reporting and enforcement of revenue sharing payments will be handled through capital management software used for new player licensing agreements,” according to Chad Bishop of the ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION. On revenue sharing, AD J Batt said, “We feel really good about our approach to this change to the environment. It’s a massive change.” New turf is scheduled to be installed at Bobby Dodd Stadium “over the summer” and the Fanning Center, currently under construction, “remains on track to be completed in the spring of 2026.” The final steel beam is “scheduled to go in during a ceremony Friday.” The board also reported that Tech athletics made a $500,000 net gain from the football team’s appearance in the 2024 Birmingham Bowl. Some of the department’s expenses were “over budget” in the second quarter for the fiscal year 2025, but there are “concerted efforts, including increased ticket revenue and the renewal of the school’s contract with Adidas, to make up for those expenses” (ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION, 3/4).

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