The Kentucky Speedway last Friday formally notified the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that "it will challenge" U.S. District Court Judge William Bertelsman's decision last week to dismiss the speedway's antitrust lawsuit against NASCAR and ISC ( CINCINNATI ENQUIRER, 1/11 ). NFLPA: The NFLPA sent out a memo to all agents on Friday stating that the first day they will be allowed to contact true juniors for representation in this year’s draft is Saturday, January 19. The union, which passed a rule last year prohibiting contract with college football players who are true juniors or third-year juniors, had previously told agents that they could contact true juniors who had declared for the NFL Draft on Friday, January 18. NFLPA Director of Salary Cap & Agent Administration Mark Levin: "We were notified today that the list would not be published by the NFL until sometime on Saturday, the 19th. Upon learning this, the NFLPA immediately notified all agents that the first time they can contact these players is sometime on the 19th or after the NFL releases the list of players who have been accepted into the draft" ( Liz Mullen, SportsBusiness Journal ).