Ueberroth Talks Olympic Revenue Sharing In Farewell To USOC

Outgoing USOC Chair Peter Ueberroth, whose term ended yesterday, at a meeting with USOC members at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando on Saturday, said disputes over Olympic financing "will be solved and they'll be solved fairly and equitably for all sides," according to Karen Rosen of AROUND THE RINGS. Ueberroth: "Who pays the bill for the world Olympic movement? Make no mistake about it, starting in 1988 until today, and the next quad, United States of America corporations pay 60[%] of all the money in the Olympic movement, period." Ueberroth also noted that while NBC paid about $900M for rights to the Beijing Games, CCTV paid just $7M. Ueberroth: "That's not even close to one percent (of what NBC pays). So it's out of balance in the world." Ueberroth Friday met with IOC President Jacques Rogge to "discuss revenue-sharing with the IOC." Meanwhile, Electronic Arts Chair Larry Probst today assumes the role as USOC Chair, and USOC CEO Jim Scherr said that the organization is in "sound financial health going into the next quadrennium." The USOC has an operating revenue of more than $100M, up from $60M in '04. But the gain was "not at the expense of sports programs," as the USOC said that it maintained the "percentage of support that goes to programs" at 84%. Revenue over the last four years increased from $490M to $617M, "primarily because of the greater television rights fee." Scherr said that Ueberroth in his term "brought 'instant credibility' on a national and international level." USOC VP/Int'l Relations Bob Ctvrtlik added, "We were in a downward, negative spiral. He stopped that spiral and brought professionalism and urgency that I think we were lacking." Rosen noted the USOC at Saturday's meeting "put together a video saluting Ueberroth," while Scherr, Ctvrtlik, IOC member Jim Easton and former Olympic swimmer Janet Evans all "shared stories about Ueberroth" ( AROUNDTHERINGS.com, 10/11 ). LOOKING BACK : Ueberroth, in a Q&A with the CHICAGO TRIBUNE's Philip Hersh, said, "The USOC has been stabilized from a state of mass confusion, and that is to the credit of the other volunteers and the other professionals involved, not the chairman." When asked what "surprised you when you were asked" to serve as Chair, Ueberroth said, "It was very unstable and in considerable debt. ... The USOC owed a substantial amount of money to the banks. A not-for-profit should have assets, not liabilities." Ueberroth said he eliminated the debt by "downsizing operating costs, cutting waste and raising revenues." Meanwhile, when asked about his role in Chicago's bid to host the 2016 Games, he said, "I will turn over every stone I can to be helpful." When asked how soon Probst will be "up to speed to get involved in the bid," Ueberroth said, "Probably about 60 days ago" ( CHICAGO TRIBUNE, 10/12 ). LOOKING FORWARD : Probst asked Ueberroth to preside over his first meeting as USOC Chair so Probst could "listen and learn." Probst: "It's going to be a challenging time for all entities -- corporations, organizations like the USOC. These are unprecedented times. People are going to have to get smart about how they do business." Scherr said that the USOC's '09 budget "had been prepared, but 'given the economic situation, it just wasn't prudent to present that budget' during the board meeting." Scherr noted that the USOC in the next few weeks will "revise the figures and come up with a 'very stringent budget.'" Scherr also said that the USOC would "first look at cutting administrative costs, then at curtailing new initiatives planned for the next quadrennium." AROUND THE RINGS' Rosen notes Probst can "help the USOC attract a younger audience by drawing on his experience with computer and video games." Probst: "I know a little bit about appealing to the 18- to 34-year-old demographic. That demographic lives online and I think the movement has to do a better job of communicating in that medium." Probst said that the "proposed U.S. Olympic television network will also help bring in youth" ( AROUNDTHERINGS.com, 10/13 ).

Peter Ueberroth Hands Control Of USOC To
Larry Probst After Successful Four-Year Term
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