VANOC Officials Still Bullish On 2010 Games Despite Deficits

The 2010 Vancouver Olympics are "in the red and the expenses for venues are rising," but VANOC officials maintain that the Games are in a "strong financial position," according to Stephanie Levitz of the CP. VANOC Thursday released its annual financial report, which indicated that the "budgets for individual venues being constructed or upgraded by organizers are up about [C$12M] in total since last year, although the overall budget for venue construction hasn't increased." In addition, "mounting expenses everywhere pushed" VANOC into a deficit of C$48.1M for the year ending July 31. VANOC at that date in '07 had a surplus of C$60.9M. VANOC officials said that "fluctuating between deficits and surpluses is normal for organizing committees as money doesn't always come in at the same time it needs to go out." Levitz noted the "rising costs for the venues appear to have been covered by a dwindling contingency fund, which now sits at around" C$13M. And although the venue expenses are up, they are "considered complete and operational with what organizers call 'minor construction activity' remaining" ( CP, 10/16 ). SHELTER FROM THE STORM : A VANOC official said that the city of Vancouver has "assured Olympic officials that it will deliver the athletes' village -- which has run into cost overruns -- for use in 2010 as scheduled" ( VANCOUVER SUN, 10/17 ). In Vancouver, Clare Ogilvie reports VANOC officials are "expecting to weather the current global financial crisis because much of the revenues are already committed by sponsors and others." VANOC CFO John McLaughlin: "The situation we are finding ourselves in right now is unparalleled, so trying to predict what is going to come out is hugely challenging. But if we look at our financial position, about 79[%] of revenues are committed to us so far and, if you add in what we expect to get from the ticketing program, that number jumps up quite significantly." Ogilvie notes sponsorship revenue is expected to be C$768M ( Vancouver PROVINCE, 10/17 ). McLaughlin said that if needed, VANOC has a C$100M "contingency in its budget that is there to absorb unforeseen financial shocks." Meanwhile, VANOC in its report noted it has sold 207,000 mascot toys, and in Vancouver, Derrick Penner writes the sales of the the toys are "one of the positive developments Olympic organizers point to as proof their budget is going in the direction they want." The proceeds from the sale of "mascots, 2010 clothing, pins and other items are a drop in the bucket in terms of VANOC's overall revenue," representing just C$9M of C$336M raised to date ( VANCOUVER SUN, 10/17 ). COVER UP : VANOC has signed a deal with Milwaukee-based Karl's Global Events to provide "tents and temporary enclosures" for the Vancouver Games. As an official supplier of the Games, Karl's must provide between C$3-5M to the Olympics, "in cash or in kind." As part of the deal, Karl's receives marketing rights to use the Vancouver Games logos ( VANCOUVER SUN, 10/17 )

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