Names In The News

Boston-based, a local search company, has "picked up an unspecified amount of funding" from Mavericks Owner MARK CUBAN and Patriots President JONATHAN KRAFT . The company used previous funding to expand from Boston to all of New England to N.Y., and it will use Cuban and Kraft's finances to "scale nationally." CitySquares has 1.5 million local businesses currently in its database, but said it will have "over 16 million ... coast to coast" by spring '09 (, 10/22 ). CHARITY STRIPE : Orange County (CA) High School of the Arts yesterday received a $2M donation from Ducks co-Owner HENRY SAMUELI ’s Samueli Foundation, which is the “largest ever gift given to an individual public school in Orange County.” The money “will help purchase a 40,000-square-foot building that had previously been leased by the campus” (, 10/22 )....Ten Bills players Tuesday visited Lincoln M. Alexander Secondary School in Toronto “in conjunction with NFL Canada to deliver some inspirational words.” The players also “delivered $3,000 worth of football equipment” to the school’s football program ( TORONTO SUN, 10/22 )....Baseball HOFer CAL RIPKEN JR. and North Carolina Attorney General ROY COOPER yesterday launched “Badges for Baseballs” in 15 North Carolina towns and cities. The “yearlong, $530,000 program is aimed at preventing juvenile crime by recruiting law enforcement volunteers or youth organizations to mentor and coach middle school students growing up in rough communities” ( CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, 10/23 ). AT THE MOVIES : Padres Special Assistant for Baseball Operations PAUL DEPODESTA said of the book " MONEYBALL ," in which he is featured, being made into a film, "I have no real interest in it becoming a movie. ... I know they've already been through multiple writers and drafts, so who knows if it will actually ever happen. I'm not involved" ( SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE, 10/23 )....Golf Channel has partnered with Moxie Pictures to produce " UNEVEN FAIRWAYS ," a film documenting the history of African-Americans in golf, set to air in February to commemorate Black History Month ( Golf Channel ). NAMES : The Breeders' Cup tomorrow will honor U.S. Olympians from California, including WNBA Sparks F CANDACE PARKER , softball P JENNIE FINCH and 3B CRYSTL BUSTOS and beach volleyball player MISTY MAY-TREANOR ( Breeders' Cup )....Five members of the Canadian Olympic women's biathlon team posed nude for a calendar, entitled "Bold Beautiful Biathlon," which is being sold for C$25. The calendar shows the athletes in "strong athletic poses, including some with their rifles." Biathlete ZINA KOCHER said that they are "hoping to sell all 5,000 copies" and raise C$80,000 (, 10/22 )....In Ft. Worth, Jeff Wilson reviewed " BEYOND BELIEF ," which details the story of MLB Rangers CF JOSH HAMILTON , and wrote the book is "difficult to read as Hamilton describes how drugs destroyed him, even though every fan who reads it will know exactly where the story is heading." But the story "makes for a worthwhile read" ( FT. WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM, 10/22 )....NBA Kings co-Owner JOE MALOOF recently listed his home in Brentwood, California, for $4,995,000 ( L.A. TIMES, 10/22 ).

Canadian Olympians Pose Nude For Calendar

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