Following an 8-8 season that resulted in "extraordinary fan frustration," the Eagles are not raising ticket prices for '12, according to Les Bowen of the PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS. This marks the "fourth year in a row under the current price structure." Eagles President Joe Banner said that he expects the team's "average ticket price will rank somewhere around 20th in the 32-team league when all is said and done" and around 12th in premium seating. He added that ticket prices on secondary markets last year "were near the top of the league, indicating demand would support a price increase, but the team decided it would be better to hold the line" ( PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS, 2/15 ). SAINTS HOLD STEADY : In New Orleans, James Varney cites a source as saying that the Saints "will impose no ticket increase on 98 percent" of season-ticket holders next season. A price increase "could be in the cards ... for a sliver of fans in an upper corner" ( New Orleans TIMES-PICAYUNE, 2/15 ).