MLB Commissioner Emeritus BUD SELIG said his day-to-day schedule has not changed much since retiring in January, and he has been maintaining a travel itinerary very similar to his final years in office. Selig was in N.Y. Thursday night for Green Sports Alliance event. He also spoke before’s ProVenue Exchange event in Nashville earlier this week, and is slated to once again attend Allen & Co.’s high-profile Sun Valley Conference in Idaho next month. Selig also is teaching college courses at Wisconsin and Marquette. “Honestly, I don’t know what I expected, but each day has been hectic,” Selig said. “I like keeping busy, so I’ve kept very busy.” He has not started in earnest on a long-planned memoir of his time in baseball, as he still is sorting through a large mass of collected materials dating to the early ‘60s. “What I didn’t understand, and has been a greater surprise, is that we have hundreds and hundreds of boxes of documents going back 55 years,” he said. But I haven’t picked a writer or a publisher yet.” Selig levied high praise on his successor, ROB MANFRED . Selig: “He’s doing a fantastic job, and I mean that sincerely. He’s off to an excellent start. It’s been a seamless transition, the way we planned it, and I think that’s been very helpful, most of all to the sport. Each new administration is going to have their own agenda, their own ideas, and that’s the way it’s supposed to be.”
GREEN THUMB : The Yankees on Thursday night were presented with the GSA’s Environmental Leadership Award, in response to a record level of activity at the six-year-old Yankee Stadium that includes a large degree of waste composting and recycling, use of wind-driven power, a sharply reduced carbon footprint, and local food sourcing. The event drew several prominent industry execs in addition to Selig, including NHL Commissioner GARY BETTMAN , MLS Commissioner DON GARBER and MLB Chief Baseball Officer JOE TORRE . Famed TV producer and writer NORMAN LEAR also attended. The award was accepted by Yankees VP/Stadium Operations DOUG BEHAR . Green Sports Alliance President & co-Founder ALLEN HERSHKOWITZ said, “Our environmental issues are growing more challenging and frightening than ever. But tonight and what the Yankees have done confirms that we’re making progress in getting the message out."