Weekend Plans With MLB Network Host Kelly Nash: Family Time, Baseball Binging

MLB Network studio host KELLY NASH appears weekdays as co-host on the net’s “The Rundown” and during the NHL season serves as a studio host for the NHL Network as well. Nash lives in Hoboken, N.J., commuting the five miles to MLB Network’s Secaucus studios. Nash keeps a busy schedule during the season and stays mindful of her dietary habits, but on the weekends, anything goes. “I do not care on the weekends. My go to food is pizza with pepperoni or Hawaiian, Mexican would be my second go to. Anything greasy, I don’t care about calories.”

OLD SCHOOL : I worked for the Rays for two seasons as their sideline reporter and it really jumpstarted my TV career. I’d never been on TV before that job. They’ll be in town to play a three-game series against the Yankees (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) so I’m going to have fun with that. I have friends in town. I’ll catch up with my former colleagues from the Fox Sports broadcast and the Rays radio broadcasters, they’ll both be in town, and we always like to kick it in the booth and just catch up with each other on life. I also have a few loved ones in town to take in the series. So between the two of them it should be pretty busy.

BASEBALL LIFER : Baseball is kind of a common theme when it comes to my weekends. I coach baseball most weekends out of the year. Right now, we’re in a little bit of a lull until fall ball. I coach RBI Baseball -- first base. It’s so fun. I honestly didn’t know if I would be capable of coaching 9-12 years old because it’s such a high age bracket, but we have a lot of fun together. I’m the only female coach on the team, so as you can imagine, I can be a little on the softer side. They don’t give me a hard time. They give me hugs, high fives. It’s unbelievable their greeting to me when I pull up to the ballpark every day. It lights me up. I look forward to it all day.

OFF-SEASON : When I’m not coaching, most weekends I’m travelling. I have family in Florida, Alabama, Colorado -- all the people I love are based in those three states. So I just make the rounds in the offseason traveling to see them. I’m a really huge fan of spontaneous travel. I just got back from Atlanta. I met my sister, my brother-in-law and her three kids at the Georgia Aquarium. We had a blast and you know I had to spoil everyone. I can’t just show up and not spoil everyone. I can’t invite them and not pay for it. But when I’m here (at home in Hoboken) I’m so chill. I don’t leave the house. I watch baseball all day long, from when I wake up until “Sunday Night Baseball” is over. It’s a tradition. I watch it all day like a psychopath. It’s the love of the game.

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