TBS' Martinez Apologizes For Breaking Into War Cry After Indians' ALDS Sweep

TBS' Pedro Martinez last night celebrated the Indians' three-game sweep of the Red Sox in the ALDS in "politically incorrect" fashion, "tapping his hand against his mouth and screaming, acting out a Native American stereotype of a war cry,” according to John Healy of the N.Y. DAILY NEWS. The other members of TBS' studio set "didn’t seem to mind it as they chuckled," though it "didn’t take long for Martinez to apologize.” He tweeted, “I send my apologies if I was misunderstood when I was trying to pay tribute to the Cleveland Indians on the TBS post season show” ( N.Y. DAILY NEWS, 10/11 ). MASSLIVE.com's Meredith Perri noted Martinez "referred to how he 'used to hunt Indians'" during his career, and he then "'paid tribute' to the Indians by doing the stereotype of a Native American call" ( MASSLIVE.com, 10/10 ).

TWITTER REAX : USAToday.com's  Jessie Karangu : "Martinez makes stereotypical Indian noise on #IndigenousPeoplesDay. Ouch." NBC Sports'  Craig Calcaterra : "On the same day that Ruth Bader Ginsburg slammed Kaepernick, Pedro does this. Bad day for my heroes."  Barstool Sports ' feed: "Martinez was torn to shreds by the internet for doing a war cry."  Deadspin 's feed tweeted simply, "Oh no. no, no" ( TWITTER.com, 10/10 ).

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