How We Experienced The Gatorade Sports Science Institute At IMG Academy

(Courtesy of Gatorade) Screen-Shot-2016-10-17-at-1_09_55-AM

BRADENTON, Fla. — Last week, Gatorade invited about 10 media members to the Gatorade Sports Science Institute at IMG Academy. GSSI has had a presence at IMG since 2011 and recently moved into a new satellite facility on the 500-acre campus. Its main headquarters is in Barrington, Ill.

Through the two-day immersion, we listened to GSSI staffers speak about how they work with student-athletes at IMG along with professional teams and athletes to better understand their bodies and hydration/performance needs. Additionally, we sampled Gatorade products, heard about new design and technology innovations being launched over the next three years and what the future holds for sports science and athletic performance.

We even received the opportunity to run through some testing and fitness drills to assess our fuel profile and what level of fluids and nutrition we need throughout various levels of exercise intensity.

Below is a review of our tour along with a closer look at what I experienced (all photos and videos are courtesy of Gatorade).

The main Gatorade Fuel Bar inside IMG Academy ’ s new 65,000-square foot Performance and Sports Science Center, which was completed this summer. It also houses the Gatorade Sports Science Institute, the first satellite GSSI location.


Dr. James Carter oversees the Gatorade Sports Science Institute team/facilities and provides overall strategy for the organization. He is based in Barrington, Ill. at GSSI Headquarters. On the right, Principle Scientist Melissa Anderson is the lead for the U.S. Satellite Lab in Bradenton, Fla. where she manages the elite athlete service program. 


A wide look at the training floor inside the Performance and Sports Science Center.


Hearing from IMG staffers about the makeup of the Academy, its organizational structure and how it provides educational and athletic opportunities to its 1,200 student-athletes across eight sports.


Another shot of the new Performance Center.


In the two days embedded with GSSI staffers, we learned about Gatorade’s new Gx sports fuel customization platform, which is touted as a revolutionary and more precise way for athletes to know when and how to hydrate during competition and athletic training. Gx includes new equipment, including a bottle with flip cap, pods with pre-made Gatorade formula and additional technologies to provide athlete fueling recommendations. Teams such as the Kansas City Chiefs, Denver Broncos, Chicago Bulls, FC Barcelona and University of Florida are currently using the platform.


A closer look at the Gatorade squeeze bottle with flipcap specifically designed for use with pods. Includes water level marking, a pod piercer and a flip cap.

(Courtesy of Gatorade)

The Gx smart cap tracks fluid intake and provides visual feedback to athletes and consumers in order for them to pace their hydration. A blinking light constantly informs you about where your fluid intake should be throughout your workout.

(Courtesy of Gatorade)

The top of the Gx smart cap. Professional teams and college athletic departments will be able to include their team colors on the cap along with players’ names and numbers.

(Courtesy of Gatorade)

Media went through a sweat test — a mix of running and short fitness drills — to better understand everyone’s fluid and electrolyte needs when exercising under different conditions. Everyone had sweat patches applied to gather this information and compile a ‘fuel profile’ for how each individual uses carbohydrate and fat for energy across different exercises.


Assessing hand-eye coordination and ones ability to make (or miss) accurate chest passes.


Shuttle drills were part of a four-station rotation as well.


FitLights assist with agility, motor control and cognitive function. 

Basketball drills. I think the caption for this needs to be ‘ Mark missing layups.’

Getting in some four-on-four scrimmage time on Day 2.

(Courtesy of Gatorade)

More three-on-three line drills.

Final photo on Day 2 of some Gatorade Sports Science Institute scientists, Gatorade staffers and various media from Yahoo, STACK Media, Men ’ s Fitness, SportTechie and other outlets. 

(Courtesy of Gatorade)

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