Key players involved with the Bills' stadium lease agreement have "begun diverting some money ordinarily spent on New Era Field renovation and maintenance projects toward planning for a possible future stadium" after the current lease between Erie County, the state of New York and Bills ownership expires in '23, according to Sandra Tan of the BUFFALO NEWS. Erie County Exec Mark Poloncarz said that $500,000 was set aside and left "unallocated," and another $500,000 is "expected to be reserved out of next year's funds, as well." Poloncarz also said that it is up to the Bills to "decide whether they put it toward future stadium costs," such as engineering studies, or if they "want to go ahead and spend it on other needs." According to the stadium lease agreement, this year was the "first year that up to half the money contributed by the state and county toward stadium maintenance and improvements could be reserved and diverted toward a 'New Stadium Fund'" ( BUFFALO NEWS, 10/14 ).
Bills Begin Setting Aside Funds Toward Possible New Stadium