County Will Pay Heat To Cover Missing Naming-Rights Revenue

Miami-Dade expects higher rights fees under a new deal than what they have received from American GETTY IMAGES

Miami-Dade County will "need to use county dollars to pay" the Heat up to $2M in '20 to "cover the missing naming-rights revenue when the existing deal with American Airlines expires Jan. 1," according to Douglas Hanks of the MIAMI HERALD. When American's deal ends, Miami-Dade will take over "sponsorship responsibility from the Heat." The first $500,000 "quarterly payment to the Heat is due March 31, covering the first three months of the year." Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez said that he is "confident the lapse in sponsorship deals won't end up costing Miami-Dade anything, since higher fees from the new deal will make up for what the county would have earned in early 2020 under the existing payment structure with American." The county board "concluded its final meeting" of '19 yesterday "without an agreement in place." For now, it is "unclear what the current 'AA Arena' will be called on Jan. 1." However, sources said that talks last month "identified TD Bank as the leading contender to have its name on the downtown Miami arena" in '20 ( MIAMI HERALD, 12/18 ).

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